We have the mulch you need for you project, be it large or small
Mulching add to the attractiveness of your landscaping and has important benefits for your plants. The first good deed mulching preforms is protecting the roots from extreme weather. Roots and dormant bulbs keep from freezing in cold weather and stay cooler and in high heat. A good mulch also helps retain moisture that plants need.
Some mulches can add nutrition to the soil. They are also less expensive than rocks or wood chips. Ground up leaves from lawn mower bags, grass clipping and pine straw are examples. Compost can even be used for mulching, adding nutrients as the composting materials decompose.
However, like anything else there are pros and cons for each type of mulching material. Composting can also be a nutritious breeding ground for weeds. Grass clippings may not be good to use if they come from a lawn treated with weedkiller. It also decays quickly and has to be replaced often. Pine straw can easily be blown away with a few stiff winds.
Rock and pebbles are heavy and harder to wash away. They have a really nice, neat look. They are also more costly and weeds have a way of sneaking up through them. Wood or bark chips may be too acidic for some plants.
Picking the right mulch can be tricky, but with trial and error, you will find the mulch that is right for you.